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PCGH: What is the ad-free subscription - and what are the options?

The hardware guide from PC Games has been a firm part of the German specialist literature for PC gamers for years. With the ad-free subscription, you can enjoy the content completely without ads. We have all the info.

Get rid of ads: With the ad-free subscription, there are no more annoying ads.

PC Games Hardware is considered an institution for gamers who are interested in hardware and performance at the same time. Ad-free use has been possible against payment since 2016.

PCGH: Ad-free subscription available in two variants

With the ad-free subscription from PC Games Hardware, you can decide between two terms:
  • For six months, the subscription costs 2.50 euros per month (15 euros in total).
  • For twelve months it is 2 euros per month (24 euros in total).
The ad-free view not only has the advantage that you can fully concentrate on the actual content. Because without advertising, the loading times are shorter, the pages build up faster and more trouble-free. To complete the subscription go this way.

By Portwine Natsis

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