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What is a Provider? How Internet Providers Work

The term provider often comes up in reference to your Internet and mobile service provider. Translated from English into German, it means something like "provider" or "supplier". Accordingly, it has a job: the provider delivers your Internet connection.

Generally, a provider is a utility. When the term is used in speech, it actually always refers to the supply of mobile or Internet data. It provides the connection for receiving the corresponding data and is then also responsible for a functioning line. Telekom is one of the largest providers in Germany. But Vodafone, 1&1 or O2, for example, are also well-known providers.

This is a provider in the mobile communications business

In Germany, there are larger and smaller providers in the mobile communications business. All providers use the network of one of the three major network operators.
  • Four major network operators exist in the German mobile network: Telekom, Vodafone and O2. These three network operators ensure that in Germany everywhere mobile network exists and everyone can call everywhere.
  • But there are also other providers in Germany. However, these do not provide their own network infrastructure, but pay the four above-mentioned, major providers a fee to be allowed to use their networks. These include providers such as Congstar, Aldi Talk, Fonic, Blau.
  • Most of the time, the small providers are cheaper in the offer of their mobile contracts, but as a customer you must also accept losses in terms of quality. LTE, for example, is not offered by non-independent providers as a rule, also the overall speed of the connection is not comparable to that of independent providers.

By Thurlow

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