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Which mobile network does the provider Otelo use?

Otelo advertises its rates with D-Netz quality. Here, two mobile networks are to be noted. The D1 network is the network operated by Deutsche Telekom. In addition to these, there is also the D2 network, which, on the other hand, belongs to Vodafone. Otelo does not have its own network, but uses that of another provider.

This network is used by the mobile provider Otelo

There are three mobile networks used by the different providers. The D1 network comes off in many independent test as the best mobile network. It impresses above all with very good network coverage and optimum reception quality. The mobile network that comes in directly behind it in the tests is the D2 network. This belongs to the mobile provider Vodafone.
  1. Otelo is one of the mobile providers that do not operate their own network.
  2. The provider uses the D2 network of Vodafone. This is now also available with LTE at Otelo.
  3. But note that usually the tariffs of Otelo are offered without LTE.
  4. Otelo is a subsidiary of Vodafone. Dieses wird genutzt, um günstigere Handytarife anzubieten.
  5. Das D2-Netz besticht in der Netzabdeckung vor allem in ländlichen Gegenden im Vergleich zum Telefonica- beziehungsweise O2-Netz.
  6. In den Städten gibt es zwischen den verschiedenen Tarifen kaum ein Unterschied in der Netzabdeckung.
  7. Möchten Sie genau wissen, wie es mit der Netzabdeckung an Ihrem Wohnort aussieht, können Sie dies über die Webseite des jeweiligen Anbieters in Erfahrung bringen.

By Mellitz Purinton

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