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Samsung Galaxy A90: Battery quickly empty - this helps

If the battery of your Samsung Galaxy A90 is quickly empty after charging, there is not necessarily a defect. Often, incorrect settings or certain apps are responsible for the rapid consumption of the battery. Which tips help to increase the battery life, you can find out here with us.

These tips help when the battery of the Samsung Galaxy A90 is quickly empty

The Samsung Galaxy A90 has a powerful battery with a capacity of 4500 mAh. However, how long this lasts before the battery needs to be recharged always depends on the type and duration of use. If the battery of your Samsung Galaxy A90 is quickly drained, you have several options to extend its runtime.
  1. A useful tip when the device's battery is quickly drained is to activate flight mode. In this, all of the device's connections, such as WLAN, cellular or Bluetooth, are disconnected and the battery consumption is reduced.
  2. In addition, it can help to adjust the Samsung Galaxy A90's settings and reduce the display brightness as well as the duration of display activity.

Samsung Galaxy A90: Check installed apps

Often, apps that you have installed on the Samsung Galaxy A90 are the cause of the device's battery level quickly decreasing. Um herauszufinden, welche Apps für den Verbrauch verantwortlich sind, hilft Ihnen die App „OS Monitor“.
  1. Laden Sie sich diese dafür zunächst aus dem Play Store auf Ihr Smartphone herunter.
  2. Öffnen Sie die App anschließend, tippen Sie oben rechts auf „Optionen“ und setzen Sie einen Haken neben dem Eintrag „Show CPU usage“.

By Scott

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