HOME > Smartphone > Honor View 20: Battery Quickly Empty - What You Can Do

Honor View 20: Battery quickly empty - what you can do

The smartphone View 20 from Honor offers many features. Precisely because of this, it can happen that the battery of the device is quickly empty. This may be due to the use of certain apps or other factors. However, there are numerous methods with which you can extend the battery life.

What you can do if the battery of your Honor View 20 is quickly empty

If the battery of your Honor View 20 is quickly empty despite a large capacity, this can have different causes. Android offers an intelligent power-saving management for this, with which you can check when you are using the most power of your smartphone.
  1. Go to the settings of your device for this. Select the "Battery" item in the menu to have the appropriate options to choose from.
  2. Here you now have several choices. Select the power mode, then the device setting is optimized so that it is maximally efficient. This is exactly advantageous when you want to start powerful applications on the device. However, this will drain the battery even faster, so you should not select this option.
  3. To optimize battery usage, select the option with the same name. So können Sie nach Problemen des Stromverbrauchs suchen und die Leistung automatisch optimieren lassen.
  4. Außerdem stehen Ihnen die Funktionen „Stromsparen“ und „Ultra-Stromsparen“ zur Verfügung. Beide dienen zur Verlängerung der Akkulaufzeit.
  5. Bei „Stromsparen“ werden die Aktivitäten von Hintergrund-Apps reduziert, während bei „Ultra-Stromsparen“ bestimmte Apps überhaupt nicht mehr ausgeführt werden.

By Lorain

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