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SharePoint: These alternatives exist to the mobile intranet

SharePoint gives you the ability to share content and collaborate with other team members easily. However, the Office application comes with a monthly cost or doesn't have all the features you want, making an alternative desirable for many users.

An alternative to SharePoint

Microsoft promotes SharePoint as a mobile and intelligent intranet. With SharePoint, you can share documents and projects with all employees who are involved in the project or whom you want to notify. Employees can be informed faster and design processes digitally. SharePoint costs something monthly, which is why many companies and businesses are looking for an alternative.


  • Alfresco is a very well-known alternative to SharePoint and has a similar range of functions. The developers also offer you the opportunity to test the software beforehand.
  • The price is flexible here, as it depends on which features you want and which not. The user interface therefore adapts completely to your ideas.
  • Cloud services such as Google Docs or Microsoft Office are also supported by the program.

iMeet Central

  • With iMeet Central, especially smaller workgroups can be optimally managed.
  • Die Software ist so aufgebaut, dass jeder diese auf Anhieb versteht und sich zurechtfindet.
  • Sie zahlen für iMeet Central rund 30 Euro, können jedoch auch zunächst eine kostenlose Testversion nutzen.
Es gibt noch viele weitere Dienste, die Sie für mehr oder weniger Geld nutzen können. Diese unterscheiden sich jedoch in der Funktionalität teilweise stark von SharePoint.

By Sedgewake

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