HOME > Components > Flight Height Drone: This Is How High A Multicopter Is Allowed To Fly

Flight height drone: this is how high a multicopter is allowed to fly

The use of drones has become increasingly popular in recent years. However, if you have a drone, there are some rules to follow if you want to fly with it. Get an overview of what flight altitude you are allowed to reach with your drone and what other rules apply.

This is the maximum flight altitude a drone is allowed to reach

Even though drones can fly much higher in technical terms, there is a maximum flight altitude in Germany. This is written down in the Drone Ordinance and states that you may not fly higher than 100 meters above ground. However, this rule only applies in uncontrolled airspace. If you are in controlled airspace with your drone, i.e. within 30 kilometers of an airport, you may not exceed a flight altitude of 50 meters.

Flight altitude: these other rules apply to drone use

In addition to the flight altitude, there are other rules that you must observe with your drone. For example, you must keep your drone in sight at all times, and you need either liability insurance that covers flying drones or special drone insurance.
  1. In addition, all drones are required to be marked with a fireproof sticker that contains information about the type of drone and the owner.
  2. Furthermore, if your drone is heavier than 2 kilograms, you will need a certificate of proficiency that certifies your flying abilities. If your drone even weighs more than 5 kilograms, a launch of the drone is only allowed with a special exemption.
  3. Please also note that you must keep at least 100 meters safe distance from railroad facilities, crowds, hospitals, federal roads as well as correctional facilities and police stations. For airports, the distance must even be 1.5 kilometers.

By Lilas

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