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Slack: Delete workspace - this is how the process works

A Slack workspace is the place where invited team members can communicate with each other. The workspace can be organized by different channels for a better overview. If a workspace is no longer used, you can delete it with just a few clicks.

How to delete a workspace in Slack

A workspace in Slack can usually only be deleted by the primary owner. Normal workspace members have no way to do this. If a workspace is deleted, all data and exchanged messages stored there are also lost. However, you can use the export function in the workspace settings to back them up.Also note that you cannot delete a workspace from a mobile device, only from a desktop.
  1. Call Slack from your desktop. This works either from the desktop application or your browser.
  2. Open the workspace you want to delete and click on the workspace name in the top left corner.
  3. Select "Settings and Administration" from the menu, then "Workspace Settings."
  4. Scroll down in the settings. Dort finden Sie ganz am Ende die Kategorie „Workspace löschen.“.
  5. Klicken Sie auf die Option „Workspace löschen“ und aktiveren Sie das Kontrollkästchen, um zu bestätigen, dass Sie mit dem Löschvorgang einverstanden sind.
  6. Geben Sie abschließend Ihr Slack-Passwort ein und klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche „Ja, meinen Workspace löschen“.

By Tench Cozzy

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