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Slack: Delete messages - here's how to do it

On the Slack platform, you can work efficiently in a team and communicate with each other in channels. In addition, it can also be used to send files and memos, among other things. How to delete a message, we show you here.

How to delete messages in Slack

On Slack, you can communicate with members of your team as well as with external participants via chat. If you make a mistake or accidentally send a message to the wrong person, you can edit or delete the messages you have sent. However, you can only do this for individual messages. In larger quantities, this option is not available with Slack. In addition, you should weigh up well in advance whether you really want to delete the message, as the process is permanent and cannot be undone.
  1. If you want to delete the message on your desktop PC, move the mouse pointer over the message to be deleted. In the app, however, hold down the respective message.
  2. On the PC, now select the icon with the three dots on top of each other. In der App wählen Sie „Nachricht löschen“ aus.
  3. Arbeiten Sie am PC oder Laptop, dann klicken Sie jetzt auf „Nachricht löschen“, während Sie in der App Ihre Auswahl noch einmal mit einem Antippen von „Nachricht löschen“ bestätigen.
  4. Zur Bestätigung des Löschvorgangs wählen Sie am Computer nun „Löschen“.

By Maighdlin Ofallon

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