Satisfactory: Found a hard drive? We explain the purpose
When you go exploring on the map of Satisfactory, you may find one of the many crash sites. At each of these you can salvage a hard drive, and we have all the info you need.
More options in production: hard drives are the only way to alternative recipes.
Hard drives form their own category in the research tree, which you can work through in M.A.M.. For this reason, it is important not to ignore the disks.Satisfactory: Hard disk research brings special advantages
The research categories in Satisfactory each cover very specific topics. In the case of hard drives:- Researching found hard drives gives you alternative recipes.
- These can be enormously practical and have a decisive influence on your production possibilities.
- In any case, the alternative recipes give you more flexibility in terms of resource allocation.
- This applies more and more as the game progresses, since high-tech products require several different resources. This is because with just one additional option, you may be able to bypass a bottleneck or extremely long transportation routes.
- Other advantages include: The alternative recipes require smaller amounts of input material and manufacturing times are shorter.
- Once you have completed your research, you always have a choice to make: Three alternative recipes are available for selection, only one you may take with you.