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Fallout 76: Multiplayer - how to use the mode

The game Fallout 76 is particularly well suited for playing it together with others in multiplayer mode. However, for this to work, you will need additional software or services, depending on the platform. How to switch to multiplayer mode in Fallout 76, we explain in this article.

Play Fallout 76 in multiplayer mode: These are the requirements

Fallout 76 is an online game that you can play alone or with others. However, to play Fallout 76 with other players in multiplayer mode, it is not only necessary on the console that you are on the Internet all the time, but you also need PS Plus or Xbox Gold. If you play Fallout 76 in multiplayer mode on the PC, you will need the Bethesda.net launcher, which is available for free download.

How to play Fallout 76 in multiplayer mode

If the requirements for playing Fallout 76 in co-op mode are met, you can form a team with up to four players.
  1. To play together with friends in a team, please find the respective friend via the social menu and join their server. To do this, simply click on "Join".
  2. If you do not have any friends who play Fallout 76, you can also join the server of a foreign player. Hierfür wird allerdings eine Bezahlung in Form von Kronkorken fällig.
  3. Im Multiplayer-Modus können Sie Camps gemeinsam nutzen und Freunde unter Einsatz von Stimpacks wiederbeleben.
  4. Auch die Bewältigung von Quests ist im Koop-Modus gemeinsam möglich. Hierzu müssen allerdings alle Teammitglieder die Notiz, das Audioband oder das Terminal besuchen.

By Catto

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