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Slack: Change password - how to do it

Slack is a platform where you can work in a team to advance projects more effectively and efficiently. There you have the possibility to exchange ideas, start channels as well as make phone calls and send memos and files. Various apps can also be used within this platform.

How to change your password in Slack

In Slack, you log in with both your email address and your password. These can be changed again at any time after logging in and can be adjusted as needed. However, if you have forgotten your password, you can also reset it and assign a new one afterwards. To do this, all you have to do is access your e-mail account. There you will receive a link that you simply click, whereupon you will be referred to a page where you can enter your new password.
  1. First open Slack and log in with your credentials, if necessary.
  2. Now go to your profile picture on the home screen, which is located in the upper right corner.
  3. Then select "View profile". Now opens a menu with your profile on the right side.
  4. Then click on the three dots and "More" and then switch to the "Account Settings".
  5. Next to the password you will now see a field with "Expand". Klicken Sie dieses an.
  6. Nun können Sie Ihr Passwort beliebig ändern und Ihre Auswahl abschließend mit „Speichern“ bestätigen.

By Ryder

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