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Word: Create small caps - how to do it

In Microsoft Word you have numerous functions at your disposal that allow you to create your document according to your wishes. If you want to emphasize something in particular, small caps are a good choice. These are uppercase letters that are at the same font height as lowercase letters.

How to create small caps in Word

When creating documents, many different functions are needed to format and edit them according to your needs. Such functions are provided by programs like Word from Microsoft. When highlighting certain areas of your text, you also have several options. One of these options is to use small caps. These are uppercase letters that are again at the same font height as lowercase letters. This way, all letters are the same size, but your upper and lower case letters can still be seen.
  1. Within your text, mark the area you want to write as small caps. Hold down the "Ctrl" key to mark different areas at the same time.
  2. Now switch to the "Start" tab at the top. Hier befindet sich der Bereich „Schriftart“.
  3. Klicken Sie unten rechts innerhalb dieses Bereiches auf den Pfeil, um weitere Optionen zu öffnen. Alternativ drücken Sie die Tastenkombination „Strg“ + „D“.
  4. Im neuen Fenster gehen Sie auf die Registerkarte „Schriftart“.
  5. Hier befindet sich auf der rechten Seite unter „Effekte“ die Option „Kapitälchen“. Aktivieren Sie das entsprechende Kästchen und bestätigen Sie die Auswahl mit „Ok“.

By Sarid

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