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Lufthansa: Cancel flight online - so you get your money

If you have booked a flight with Lufthansa and do not want or can not take it, you have the option to cancel it online. The money should then be transferred back to your account. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind to ensure that the process works smoothly.

How do you cancel a flight online with Lufthansa?

To cancel a booking online with Lufthansa, all you need is your booking number and last name.
  1. Go to Lufthansa's "My Bookings" page.
  2. To log in, use your booking number and last name.
  3. Now you will be taken to an overview where refundable bookings are displayed.
  4. Click on the "Cancel" button to cancel a ticket. The amount will then be automatically transferred to the account you used to pay for the ticket.
  5. Generally, you can also claim a partial refund for a non-cancelable ticket. Lufthansa must then reimburse you for the portion of costs that are not part of the ticket price. These are, among other things, baggage fees, taxes and airport costs.
  6. Send a request for reimbursement of non-ticket costs best by mail to Lufthansa and give the airline a deadline of four weeks. Sie können dies auch rückwirkend für die letzten drei Jahre tun.
  7. Sollte die Lufthansa sich weigern oder nicht auf den Brief reagieren, schalten Sie einen Anwalt ein.

By Valina Ruic

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