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Paint.net: Find and install plugins

Paint.net is a useful application that you can make even more customized with the right plugins. In addition, the various extensions ensure that you no longer have to resort to the paid Photoshop, since you can apply so many tools.

These are the plugins you should know

To use Paint.net to do the work that is otherwise only possible with Photoshop, you should know the following plugins.
  1. Paint.NET PSD Plugin: This tool is especially recommended if you have already created files in Photoshop. This is because this plugin allows you to reuse the photos you have already edited.
  2. Pyrochilds Plugin Package: to have a comparable selection of filters and options, you should look into this plugin. It can be downloaded directly from Paint.NET and offers you many options to get the best out of your shots.
  3. TR's Doge and Burn: The bokeh effect is very popular and if you do not want to do without it even under Paint.Net, you need to take an additional interest in the plugin.
  4. Each plugin you can simply download and then, by double-clicking on the file, start the installation. After that, the tools are available in Paint.Net.
For all plugins, you should pay attention to reputable sources, such as the official forum of Paint.Net, to avoid the unauthorized access to your files.

By Leonanie Arendt

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