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Merging GIMP Images: What you need to keep in mind

To merge two images or exchange the background of a subject, you can merge images in GIMP. To make the transitions between the images as unobtrusive as possible, you need to post-process them.

How to easily merge images in GIMP

To easily use two images on one canvas, you need to paste the images.
  1. First open one image with GIMP.
  2. Then select "File > Open as layer" and add the other image as a new layer. This will make it easier for you to edit the individual image elements.
  3. Select the "Move" tool in the toolbox, shown as a cross icon with arrows in all directions, to arrange the individual images correctly. To do this, simply hold down the left mouse button on an area of the image that you want to move, drag the element and release the mouse button when it is in the desired position.

Edit transitions

If you want to achieve that the images blend into each other, you need to edit the transitions after joining the images.
  1. First join the images as separate layers and place them as desired.
  2. Then choose a selection tool like the rectangular selection or even the lasso.
  3. In the toolbox at the bottom, set a checkmark at "Hide edges". Set the radius higher, the coarser you want to work. With a very small radius, you may need to touch up further to create a transition, but also get better results.
  4. Now select the area you want to merge with the other image.
  5. Close the line to hide the transitions.

By Alcina

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