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Extend HTC One battery life - how to keep it on longer

Everyone knows it: you just play a few games on the HTC One, surf the Internet a bit and the battery runs out. With a few simple tricks, you can actively improve the battery life of your cell phone. For example, reduce the brightness of your screen.

How can you improve battery life on the HTC One?

If your battery is draining quickly, you may have made a mistake early on when you charged the smartphone.
  1. Train the battery at the beginning so the memory cells get used to charging. In the first few weeks, always charge the battery fully, from 0 to 10 percent to a full 100 percent. Even later, you should run your phone through full charge cycles from time to time, because this keeps the battery good for longer.
  2. Disable unnecessary apps so that they do not steal all your power. You certainly don't need every app that comes with the device. Uninstall them, as they can also eat up power in the background.
  3. It is best to download a battery app. Diese zeigt Ihnen genau an, welche App wie viel Rechenleistung und damit Strom braucht.
  4. Fahren Sie die Helligkeit Ihres Bildschirms herunter. iPhones regeln die Helligkeit bereits automatisch, damit der Akku länger hält.
  5. Stellen Sie das Benachrichtigen von Apps aus. Umso weniger Benachrichtigungen Ihr Telefon verarbeiten muss, desto länger hält der Akku.

By Ignacius

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