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Excel: Merge cells - how to create order

In Excel, multiple cells can be merged into a new cell. This allows you to not only ensure nice formatting, but also to create order in many spreadsheets. Merging cells adds both individual widths.

Excel: Merge cells - this is how it works

Cells can be merged in Excel very easily. Just a few clicks are enough to achieve the desired result.
  1. First, start Excel and open the document in which you want to join cells together.
  2. Now mark all cells that should be merged.
  3. Then switch to the tab "Start" and navigate about center to the entry "Connect and center".
  4. By clicking on the button, the cells are merged and the content is centered.
  5. Note that if all cells are already filled with content, only the content of the first cell is taken over.

This is how you ungroup cells

  1. If you want to ungroup cells, it is similar easy as creating them.
  2. Switch to the same menus and navigate to "Merge and center" again.
  3. Nun klicken Sie jedoch den kleinen Pfeil neben dem Button an und wählen „Zellen zusammenführen“.
  4. Durch diese Aktion werden die Zellen wieder geteilt.
  5. Beachten Sie, dass eine einzelne Zelle nicht weiter geteilt werden kann. Dieser Vorgang funktioniert nur, wenn sich die Zelle zuvor bereits in einem Verbund befunden hat.

By Proudfoot

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