> Office programs
> Excel: Merge Cells - How To Create Order
Excel: Merge cells - how to create order
In Excel, multiple cells can be merged into a new cell. This allows you to not only ensure nice formatting, but also to create order in many spreadsheets. Merging cells adds both individual widths.
Excel: Merge cells - this is how it works
Cells can be merged in Excel very easily. Just a few clicks are enough to achieve the desired result.- First, start Excel and open the document in which you want to join cells together.
- Now mark all cells that should be merged.
- Then switch to the tab "Start" and navigate about center to the entry "Connect and center".
- By clicking on the button, the cells are merged and the content is centered.
- Note that if all cells are already filled with content, only the content of the first cell is taken over.
This is how you ungroup cells
- If you want to ungroup cells, it is similar easy as creating them.
- Switch to the same menus and navigate to "Merge and center" again.
- Nun klicken Sie jedoch den kleinen Pfeil neben dem Button an und wählen „Zellen zusammenführen“.
- Durch diese Aktion werden die Zellen wieder geteilt.
- Beachten Sie, dass eine einzelne Zelle nicht weiter geteilt werden kann. Dieser Vorgang funktioniert nur, wenn sich die Zelle zuvor bereits in einem Verbund befunden hat.