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Destiny 2 Iron Banner - what the event

Destiny 2 is a multiplayer game for PC. As a player you take on the role of the Keeper, in doing so you must protect the last safe city on Earth. In addition, there are so-called iron banners. These are crucible events in which you compete against other players.

What's behind Iron Banner in Destiny 2

From February 18 to 25, 2020, the last Iron Banner in Destiny 2 ran for the time being. This week also saw double bravery points. All players can participate in the Iron Banner event, regardless of which expansions they own. However, the prerequisite is that you have already reached Lord Shaxx in the "New Light" quest and talked to Lord Saladin in the Tower Courtyard. You will be invited to the Crucible event by the latter.
  1. The Iron Banner event takes place almost monthly in Destiny 2. In it, you are put together in a team with other guardians via matchmaking and have to compete against another team. Usually 8 guardians compete in a 4 vs. 4 match.
  2. If you take part in the event, you have the opportunity to grab a special armor with high values. After each match you will receive iron banner tokens. Diese können Sie bei Lord Saladin anschließend gegen Prämien eintauschen.
  3. Alle Vorteile, die Sie durch Ihr Powerlevel erhalten, werden deaktiviert, sodass lediglich Ihre Kampffähigkeiten zählen.
  4. Im Gegensatz zum Vorgänger gibt es zudem keine Beutezüge oder Ränge.

By Bourgeois Polite

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