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Hearts of Iron 4 Cheats - how to trick in the strategy game

Hearts of Iron 4 was developed by Paradox Interactive and allows you to play a strategy simulation of World War II. Here you command the tank brigades and ground troops and try to destroy the enemy. As with any strategy game, there are cheats, which we present in this tip.

What cheats are there in Hearts of Iron 4?

To enter cheats or other commands in Hearts of Iron, you need the console. You can open it with Shift + 3 or Shift + 2 or ALT + 1 + 2.
  • Cheats are divided into four categories: Cheats for Debug, Cheats for Technique, Cheats for Resource and Cheats for Battles.
  • Now you can enter various commands (cheats) to change the flow of the game.
  • The following commands for battles are useful. For example, the command "ai" can be used to turn the AI on and off. "ai_invasion" turns the AI's fleet invasion on or off. "debug-nuking" allows you to deploy nukes without first checking for proper conditions. "weather" turns the simulation of the weather off or on again.
  • There are also some cheats for resources, namely "instantconstruction". Das bedeutet, dass alle Gebäude sofort gebaut werden. „morehumans“ fügt dem Spiel mehr Menschen hinzu. „research + Forschungsplatz-ID oder all“ bewirkt, dass eine bestimmte Forschung erforscht wird oder alle Forschungen.
  • Für die Technik gibt es „time“, was die aktuelle Zeit anzeigt.

By Clere

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