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Is a notebook a PC? We have the answer

If you are looking for a new device, you may wonder if a notebook can be compared to a PC. After all, a notebook is more flexible and can often be found in a lower price category than a PC.

Notebook and PC: These are the differences

Not only that the PC must be installed in a fixed location distinguishes it from a notebook. There are other aspects:
  1. A notebook is very space-saving compared to a PC, which means that a small work area can still have enough space for other documents. In addition, the office can be set up flexibly.
  2. A notebook not only consumes less power, but due to the smaller number of components, the maintenance is also good to perform independently. In addition, many spare parts can be purchased inexpensively.
  3. A notebook is cleaner and tidier because the components are installed directly in the device.
  4. You can expand a notebook with a decent keyboard and a high-quality screen if you have higher demands.
  5. However, a PC offers you significantly more storage space and thus better performance - especially for more elaborate work, this is very helpful.
  6. Upgrading is much easier with the PC, because the components can be replaced quickly.

The price factor

Even if you look at a notebook and a PC with equivalent equipment, you will notice that the PC is significantly cheaper. However, the PC will take up more space in your office and you won't have as much flexibility.

By Lesli

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