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Pokémon Go: Using lucky eggs correctly

Lucky eggs are probably the most important items in the game Pokémon Go. In order to properly use such an egg, there are a few things to consider. Afterwards, however, you will also benefit from the maximum XP yield.

How are lucky eggs best used?

Lucky eggs allow you to double the experience points you gain. So it pays to use a lucky egg at exactly the right moment.
  1. If you manage to have a Pokémon evolve in Pokémon Go, you will receive 500 experience points.
  2. If the Pokémon you get by evolving is not yet listed in your Pokédex, you will even receive another 500 experience points.
  3. 500 experience points you always get, no matter how many times you have already evolved a Pokémon and how many times you have already witnessed the development.
  4. The trick now is to save up as much development as possible to perform them only when you have activated a lucky egg.
  5. The Pokémon Taubsi, Raupy and Hornlio are perfect for this. They are easy to catch and need only 12 candies to be evolved.
  6. So you best catch quite a few of these Pokémon and then activate the lucky egg. Now you evolve all the Pokémon away one after the other. Sie erhalten für jede Entwicklung satte 1.000 Erfahrungspunkte.
  7. Beachten Sie, dass Sie die Entwicklungssequenz abwarten müssen. Diese nimmt exakt 30 Sekunden in Anspruch. Selbst wenn Sie also direkt eine neue Entwicklung starten, nachdem die alte fertig ist, schaffen Sie es maximal, 60 Pokémon zu entwickeln, also 60.000 Erfahrungspunkte zu generieren.

By Sargent Mascot

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