Evergreen Content: definition and explanation of the term
The Internet lives on its content and this can be categorized in very different ways. An important concept here is the so-called evergreen content, which we explain in more detail below.
Come to stay: Evergreen content sets your site up for long-term strength.
Anyone who runs a site needs a strategy regarding content. There is often no way around Evergreen Content.Evergreen Content: definition and examples at a glance
Evergreen Content is translated as "evergreen content". What is meant by this is:- The content is always relevant. They have no expiration date and do not depend on certain points in time, such as seasons or holidays.
- They are thus the opposite of typical news: These are always highly topical, but after a short time no longer relevant.
- Evergreen content can include very different topics and categories. Many tutorials and guides fall under the term, as they are timeless. The same applies to informative content on topics that never lose their validity. Encyclopedias are probably the best example of this.
- For this reason, evergreen content is often part of the SEO strategy. Once placed, content of this type can consequently bring constant traffic, and without further work.