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Harry Potter Wizard United: Runestones - Information

If you are a Potterhead, you have surely heard about the app "Harry Potter Wizards United". In this game you explore the magical world of Harry Potter and can collect rune stones. What these stones are good for and which ones you should own, we will tell you here.

This is what you should know about the runestones in Harry Potter Wizard United

In the game you can collect the different runestones, but you don't directly realize what they are useful for. The types of runestones are:
  • Caring for magical creatures - blue
  • Dark Arts - green
  • Hogwarts - red
  • Legends of Hogwarts - gray
  • Magical Games and Sports - yellow
  • Magical Zoology - navy
  • Magic Ministry - brown
  • Mysterious Artifacts - pink
  • Mysteries - purple
  • Wonders of the Wizarding World - turquoise
Trunestones come in ten colors, which correspond to the categories in the register. You can buy the runestones for 40 gold in the angle alley, getting one runestone of each category for 10 levels. Alternatively, you can fill the EP bars of the registers. Once you fill a bar and level up, you can open a chest that contains runestones.

Why do you need runestones?

You need the runestones exclusively in the fortresses, where you must always have a runestone if you want to start a wizard challenge. In doing so, the runestones indicate what difficulties you will encounter and the quality of the rewards in the chambers of the fortresses. While the base difficulty level remains, high runestones will allow you to get better rewards faster. The color of the runestone indicates the category of the fragment you will receive as a reward at the end.

By Gisela Christmau

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