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How do I connect a router? How it works

After signing a new contract with a provider, you will be equipped with the previously purchased or rented router in a short time. Once this arrives at your place, you can already connect it and do basic setup. However, the actual Internet connection will not be available to you until the technician has activated the line.

Connecting a router properly: Here's how to do it

Connecting a router is child's play. In addition to a few cables and instructions, you have an instruction manual that you can easily follow.
  1. Now first look in your house for a telephone socket, which is generally also known as TAE socket.
  2. Make sure that this is very central in your home or at least easily accessible.
  3. Remove all connected cables to avoid interference and plug the supplied DSL cable into the appropriate port on your router.
  4. Suchen Sie an der TAE-Dose nun den Anschluss „F“, der üblicherweise in der Mitte der Dose zu finden ist und verbinden Sie das DSL-Kabel mit der Steckdose.
  5. Nun können Sie den Router bereits mit dem mitgelieferten Stromkabel an das Stromnetz anschließen und ihn in Betrieb nehmen.
  6. Um Zugang zu Ihrem Router zu bekommen, müssen Sie an Ihrem Computer noch in die Benutzeroberfläche wechseln. Die Zugangsdaten finden Sie ebenfalls im gelieferten Paket.
  7. Verbinden Sie zuvor den Router per LAN-Kabel mit dem entsprechenden Computer.

By Biggs

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