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Valorant: Getting to know the game in training - this is how it works

In online games, getting started is not always easy, as there is hardly any time to learn the ropes. Valorant has a training mode for this purpose, which we explain below.

Exercise helps you get started: the Valorant training camp is handy for several reasons.

Valorant is designed to be entertaining, so the basics are learned quickly because of this. Still, the training camp is a very useful feature.

Valorant: Training camp offers these options

You can find the training mode in the following way:
  1. Select "Play" at the top center of the main menu.
  2. Click "Training Camp" at the bottom.
There are several training modes available: "Open Shooting Range", "Shooting Test", "Place Spike" and "Disarm Spike". With these categories you can learn the basics of Valorant at your own pace, as opponents serve bots whose strength you can adjust.In addition, training is very convenient to test new agents before unlocking them or to get to know an agent's abilities. Namely, in the training camp all agents are unlocked.With "F2" you can change the hero during the training session.

By Loris Ertel

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