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Mobile phones: when is their use considered depreciable?

For many people, a smartphone has long ceased to be an exclusive luxury item. More and more smartphones are inevitably used in everyday working life and are sometimes even indispensable. It is all the more interesting to know at what point the useful life of a smartphone is reached and a new one can be purchased.

Mobile phone useful life - what to consider

Of course, every user decides for himself at what point he wants and needs a new smartphone. However, under tax law, it is prescribed from when the useful life of a smartphone is reached.
  1. In tax and financial law, there is a table, the so-called AfA table of the Federal Ministry of Finance.
  2. In this table, it is recorded exactly which goods are renewed or newly acquired after a certain useful life and can therefore be depreciated.
  3. In the case of a smartphone, according to the regulation, the useful life is exactly five years.
  4. After this time, you can easily deduct a newly acquired smartphone as a business cost.

Was bedeutet denn Abschreibung?

  1. Diverse Anschaffungen werden in der Steuer als Betriebskosten deklariert.
  2. Diese Kosten werden für gewöhnlich teilweise erstattet oder besser gesagt bei der Steuererklärung als Wertminderung berücksichtigt.
  3. Wenn Sie eine Anschaffung abschreiben, werden diese Kosten in den nächsten Jahren mit Ihrem Gewinn verrechnet, wodurch Ihre Steuern gesenkt werden.
  4. Neben den Betriebskosten gibt es auch die Werbungskosten, durch deren genaue Absetzung immer wieder Geld gespart werden kann.

By Chafee Ratleff

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