Star Citizen: Ships and their prices - how to find the specification
The development of Star Citizen is financed to the very largest part by the sale of ships. All the more important, from a player's point of view, is to look at the prices. We show the possibilities.
The ships in Star Citizen come in a wide variety of price ranges.
Virtual ships for real money: this concept works perfectly in Star Citizen.Star Citizen: These ships are available - and these are the prices
The official method is obvious: on this RSI page you can find all the ships that can be bought so far. Since they are official, the prices are binding and reliable. The actual purchase is only possible there anyway.For a rough overview of the amount of ships and the price ranges, however, the page is not quite as ideal.- For this, the list on offers itself: There you can see all ships in a listing on one page, prices included.