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iPhone X SIM card size: What does not fit, is made to fit

In the iPhone X fit nano SIM cards. These are used in all new smartphones and are therefore now standard. However, those who have kept their old contract or have been using the same prepaid provider for a long time usually still have a larger SIM card. You can cut these to size in just a few steps.

This SIM card belongs in the iPhone X

For your new iPhone X, you need a nano SIM. This is the smallest of three sizes available. When you order a new SIM card, you will always receive a nano SIM. This can be converted to a larger size with the enclosed frame. If you still have an older SIM card, it may be too large. Ask your phone provider what a new SIM in the right size would cost. You may even be able to get it for free. If the price is too high for you, you can also cut a SIM card to the right size. To do this, you only need a small pair of scissors, a template from the Internet and a nail file.

Cut a SIM card

  1. Download a suitable template on the Internet and print it out.
  2. Cut out the template.
  3. Stick the template with some glue stick on your SIM card.
  4. Achten Sie darauf, dass die Schablone an der richtigen Stelle über dem Mikrochip positioniert wurde.
  5. Schneiden Sie entlang der Schablone.
  6. Testen Sie, ob die SIM-Karte in Ihr iPhone X passt.
  7. Ist die Karte noch zu groß, feilen Sie vorsichtig mit der Nagelfeile die Kanten ab, bis sich die SIM-Karte einlegen lässt.

By Everest

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