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Change font size - adjust text size in Windows

In Windows 10, you have the option to adjust the font size. The changes affect not only the Windows user interface, but also apps and programs. Learn how to adjust the text size in Windows 10 settings here.

How to adjust the text size in Windows 10

If you want to change the text size in Windows 10, it works through the display settings. However, if you use the customization options, it will affect other elements such as apps or images in addition to the font size. The reason for this is that the adjustment option is a scaling function.Follow these steps to adjust the text size in Windows 10:
  1. Call up the display settings. To do this, either right-click on the screen and select "Display Settings" from the menu, or access the settings from the Control Panel.
  2. In the "Scaling and Arrangement" category, you can choose between different preset scaling options. The scaling size is specified in percent. The preset options range from 100 to 175 percent.
  3. Alternatively to the scaling options, you can also specify a size manually. Klicken Sie dafür auf „Erweiterte Skalierungseinstellungen“.
  4. Legen Sie über das Eingabefeld eine Skalierungsgröße zwischen 100 und 500 Prozent fest. Um Probleme zu vermeiden, sollten Sie nicht direkt auf den größtmöglichen Wert springen, sondern die Skalierung schrittweise erhöhen.
  5. Klicken Sie auf „Bestätigen“, um die Änderungen zu übernehmen.

By Lavelle Faudree

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