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SVERWEIS with multiple criteria - how to proceed

AVERWEIS is a search in Excel. With this it is possible to search column by column from top to bottom for specific entries. Usually this formula is used with a search criterion. However, most of the time it may be necessary to find entries that meet multiple criteria.

How to use the SVERWEIS with multiple criteria

If you are looking for specific entries in your table, then you have the two formulas SVERWEIS and WVERWEIS at your disposal. With the SVERWEIS the entries of your table are searched column by column from top to bottom. With WVERWEIS, this is done row by row.
  1. A SVERWEIS is generally specified as "=SVERWEIS(search_criterion; matrix; column_index; [range_reference])".
  2. As search_criterion, you specify what you are looking for. The second argument represents the range in which you want to search. This is always represented as a matrix. Then you still need to specify the column index from the column where the information you are looking for is located. As the last argument, you must specify "TRUE" or "FALSE" - depending on whether you want an inexact or exact match.
  3. If you want to specify more search criteria, however, you can string them together in the argument for the "search criterion" with a &-character.
  4. For example, you can write so "=SVERWEIS(A1&A2;B1:B29;2;FALSE)". So you can string together as many criteria as you want.
  5. If you want that additionally in several places in the table should be searched, then you can use the CHOICE() function. So it is possible to specify a new range.

By Imelida Fontenette

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