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Android Q: Disable automatic updates

Updates are usually performed automatically on Android Q devices. If you prefer to manually perform updates for the apps installed on your smartphone or tablet, you need to disable the automatic updates feature beforehand.

Android Q: How to disable automatic updates

In order to get the latest features for the apps installed on your smartphone or tablet and to close security gaps, it is necessary to run app updates on a regular basis. On Android Q devices, these are performed automatically by default. To turn off the execution of automatic app updates, first open the Google Play Store on your Android Q device.
  1. In the Store, then tap the "Menu icon" in the top left corner and navigate to "Settings" > "General" > "Automatic app updates".
  2. To completely disable automatic updates, please tap the "Do not allow automatic updates" entry.
  3. Alternatively to the complete deactivation, you can also turn off the automatic updates for individual apps.
  4. For this, navigate in the menu of the Play Store to "Apps and Games", select the corresponding app and tap first on the "Three-dot menu" and then on "Automatic updates off".

How to perform manual updates on Android Q

Once you have disabled the automatic updates feature, app updates will only be performed if you do it manually. To check which apps have an update available, open the menu in the Play Store and select "My apps and games". If an update is available for an app, it will be marked with "Update" and you can run the update by tapping "Update".

By Trinl Brue

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