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Checking your smartphone - how to test the hardware

If you are unsure whether your phone is working properly, you can easily check the hardware with a suitable app. This is especially useful if you want to buy a used smartphone or have concerns about a new device after you buy it.

Checking the smartphone via app

If you discover functional errors in a smartphone or want to check a device for safety, you don't have to go to a specialist. Instead, you can do a check via app to test the hardware. One of the apps you can use to check your smartphone is called "Check My Android". The app checks various hardware functions by stressing the different hardware components through tests. Partially, you have to perform certain functions on your smartphone for this. The app guides you step by step.

The "Check My Android" app can check these functions

  1. Touchscreen: You can check the touchscreen by touching the screen with multiple fingers in different places. The app will then tell you if the touchscreen is working correctly.
  2. Screen: Testen Sie den Bildschirm, indem Sie sich mehrere Testbilder anzeigen lassen, auf denen falsche Darstellungen und tote Pixel sichtbar werden.
  3. Tasten: Sie können die Tasten Ihres Smartphones überprüfen, indem Sie eine Rückmeldung bekommen, ob der Tastendruck der jeweiligen Tasten in Ordnung ist.
  4. Sensoren: Überprüfen Sie den GPS-Empfänger und andere Sensoren auf Ihre Funktionstüchtigkeit.

By Naples

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