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Alternatives to Adobe Flash Player - These options are available

As of 2020, support for Adobe Flash Player is scheduled to end. The use of the software "Flash" has been criticized very often and also poses a security risk. Many websites therefore refrain from using the Adobe Flash Player.

What alternatives to the Adobe Flash Player are available?

At the moment, unfortunately, there are still no significant alternatives to the Adobe Flash Player. The messages about security gaps are piling up, thus malicious software can quickly get onto your PC. The Flash Player was and is also not suitable for mobile applications. Even Adobe advises against the use of the Flash Player.Users should know, however, that the Adobe Flash Player is usually not necessary:
  • The popular browsers as well as most websites get along completely without a Flash Player. This means that you do not need to bother about an Adobe Flash alternative.
  • Chrome, Firefox & Co. also inform you if you do encounter a Flash content on the Internet. Then they can activate the plugin briefly - at least if you trust the website.

HTML5 as an alternative to Flash Player

HTML5 is one of the common alternatives to Adobe Flash Player. However, you do not have to install or upgrade HTML5 yourself.
  1. With HTML5, it is possible to play web videos without extensions, as all current browsers such as Firefox, Opera, Windows Edge, Safari and Google Chrome support this format. Even now, many websites are switching to this format, such as YouTube.
  2. Mozilla Shumway: Mozilla Firefox is currently developing a Flash alternative that is also based on HTML 5. This can even play old Flash videos and is currently available as a developer version. In the Firefox Nightly versions Shumway is already set by default.

By Tai Skibinski

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