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Atom Themes: These options are available

Atom is an open source text editor used for many programming languages. To customize Atom to your style and needs, you can download and install different themes. Possible are different colors, buttons and syntax highlighting.

Various themes for Atom at a glance

There are a variety of themes for the Atom editor. These themes influence, for example, the display of icons, the arrangement of the form fields, visual aids and the color design. Syntax themes mainly influence the display of the program text. For example, functions, operators or keywords are displayed differently. Some of these themes can be purchased, others can be downloaded free of charge. You can find different themes on Atom's official website, for example, and there are also websites for third-party plug-ins and themes.

You can use these popular themes

  1. Seti UI is a dark theme that includes a sidebar and new icons for different file types.
  2. Kary Foundation Light is a theme that includes different syntax highlighting and looks warm and bright with lots of white shades.
  3. City Lights Syntax Theme is a syntax theme that supports many programming languages and is rather dark in design, making the colorful syntax highlights resemble street lights at night.
  4. One Light Cat is a white syntax theme that has a white background and low saturation in the text color. It supports Python and some other programming languages. Operators are cyan, keywords are semi-bold and functions are blue.

By Baylor

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