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Turn off Apple Homepod - is it possible?

With the Apple Homepod, you bring Siri home as a voice assistant. With the Home app, you link the smart speaker to your Apple account. You can control the Homepod via voice commands and thus play your music, make online purchases or find out the weather.

How to turn off the Apple Homepod

With the Homepod from Apple, you have the possibility to get to know or do various things via a voice command. In addition, it is possible to connect other devices to the speaker, such as lighting systems. Thus, you are able to turn the light on and off with Siri. However, if you do not want to use the Homepod right now or restart it due to an error, you can turn it off. The Homepod does not have a power button and can therefore only be turned off in one way.
  1. To turn off the Apple Homepod completely, you must disconnect it from the power.
  2. Therefore, pull the power cable out of the socket. Without power, the Homepod will automatically turn off. Sobald Sie den Stecker wieder anschließen, wird der Lautsprecher automatisch neu gestartet.
  3. Möchten Sie nicht immer, wenn Sie das Gerät ausschalten den Stecker ziehen, legen Sie sich eine Steckdosenleiste mit Kippschalter zu.
  4. Diese erhalten Sie bereits zu einem niedrigen Preis in vielen Geschäften. So können Sie den Homepod über den Schalter vom Strom trennen und ihn damit jederzeit aus- und wieder anschalten.

By Kirsten Lamar

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