HOME > Smart Devices > Apple Homepod: Disable Siri - Is That Possible?

Apple HomePod: Disable Siri - is that possible?

The Apple HomePod is a smart speaker with which you can control the voice assistant Siri and thus start or control applications. Since the sound quality of the HomePod is very good, the device is mostly used for playing music. Therefore, if you want to deactivate Siri, this is not a problem.

How to disable Siri on the Apple HomePod

You can use voice commands on the HomePod to make purchases, find out the weather, or make an entry in your calendar. For a command to be executed, you must first address the voice assistant Siri and then utter the command. The HomePod can also be used only as a speaker, for this you must first disable Siri.
  1. To do this, go to the Home app, which is located on one of your Apple devices.
  2. Click on the tab "Rooms" and now select the room that you have paired with your HomePod.
  3. If you own multiple HomePods, select the one where you want to disable Siri. Klicken Sie auf den gewünschten Eintrag und halten Sie diesen für einige Sekunden gedrückt.
  4. Anschließend öffnet sich ein weiteres Menü. Wählen Sie hier die Option „Details“ aus.
  5. Sobald Sie nach unten scrollen, sehen Sie den Eintrag „Auf Hey Siri achten“. Deaktivieren Sie diese Option, indem Sie den Schalter anklicken.
  6. Um den Sprachassistenten wieder zu aktivieren, folgen Sie ebenfalls diesen Schritten.

By Orbadiah

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