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Tolino: Switch account - you have this option

The Tolino provides you with all the features you need to read your eBooks. On the Tolino, you need to log in with your account to buy eBooks or manage them in your library. If you want to switch your account, this is possible through the Tolino.

How to change your account on the Tolino

If you want to change the account on your Tolino, you can do so via the settings on the device. A change is especially useful if you want to pass on or lend the eBook reader. If you change your account, you will not have access to the eBooks that are connected to your other account.
  1. Start your eBook reader and open the settings of the device.
  2. Here, select the menu item "My Account" and log out of your account.
  3. Now go to the settings of the Tolino again. In this case, tap on the item "User Accounts".
  4. Here you now have the option to create a new account. Alternatively, you can log in with an existing account.
  5. Note that all content stored on the device is automatically deleted when you change the account. If you change the account again afterwards, you will have to download all books again from the corresponding sites or your library. Speichern Sie aus diesem Grund die Inhalte zuvor in der Tolino Cloud.

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