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Save Battery: Android - Extend runtime

The versatile applications that you can install on your Android smartphone make everyday life much more pleasant. At the same time, these applications, which often run in the background, ensure that your battery is quickly depleted. We show you how to save the battery.

How to extend battery life on Android

There are some tips to help you extend your battery life.
  1. Limit background apps: Many apps continue to run in the background without you, the user, noticing. This continues to consume battery that you could use for other applications. Therefore, limit this function.
  2. Set brightness and time: Often you only need a low brightness level of the screen, thereby saving battery and still see neatly. Also, the time until your screen automatically turns off should be set as low as possible.
  3. Turn off unused functions: If you are not currently using features such as Bluetooth, turn them off. This will also increase the runtime of your battery.
  4. Delete power guzzlers: Even supposedly small apps can be real power guzzlers. In the "Battery" area, you can see how much battery is used by which app. It is a good idea to simply delete real power guzzlers.
  5. Take apps to help: There are some free apps that help you save battery. These warn you of power hogs and turn them off if necessary.

Charge your smartphone properly

Many people tend to charge their smartphone overnight. But in doing so, the smartphone gets much more juice than it needs for a full battery, and runs hot. This can cause the battery life to be reduced.

By Hansen Ciufo

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