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LG G5: Improve battery life and save battery

The short battery life is a sticking point with many smartphones. However, with the right know-how and a few simple tricks, you can significantly improve the LG G5's battery life instead of just having the smartphone plugged in.

Tips and tricks: improve LG G5 battery life

To significantly improve LG G5 battery life, the most important thing is to figure out what you use the most battery with. As a rule, high screen brightness, for example, is a real energy guzzler. But some background apps and mobile games also drain a lot of power from the smartphone.
  1. First, open the settings on your LG G5.
  2. Here, you then select the menu "Battery & Energy consumption".
  3. Now take your time to look at what your smartphone uses the most energy for. You can occasionally activate the "battery saving mode" here, if your smartphone must not go empty on the road.
  4. Furthermore, you will find some options with which you can optimize apps for energy consumption. In most cases, activating the functions causes unnecessary effects are not displayed.

Toggle screen brightness

  1. Open the settings.
  2. Tap then on "Display".
  3. Turn off that the screen brightness is automatically adjusted.
  4. Dann wählen Sie die Helligkeit so aus, dass Sie gut lesen können, der Bildschirm aber nicht unnötig hell ist.

Hintergrundprozesse einschränken

  1. Wählen Sie in den Einstellungen „„Datenverbrauch““ (Link: https://tipps.computerbild.de/mobil/android/android-datenverbrauch-so-ermitteln-sie-ihr-verbrauchtes-datenvolumen-342939.html) aus.
  2. Hier finden Sie nun Apps, die im Hintergrund gelegentlich arbeiten und sich aktualisieren.
  3. Sie können dies für die Anwendungen einzeln deaktivieren.

By Kajdan Calpin

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