Football Manager: Rate my Tactic - so handy tool
The more popular the FM series becomes, the greater the demand for tools that help with the extremely complex tactics system. With Rate My Tactic, a free solution is available.
A little clarity: Rate My Tactic helps out with concrete details.
The tactical possibilities are also almost endless in the latest Football Manager 2021. Due to the quite a few interactions, not only beginners have a hard time developing well-functioning systems.Football Manager: Rate my Tactic is based on popular tactics guides
Rate my Tactic helps out by giving specific values and hints for all formations. For this it uses the guides of, which are read by millions of FM players.- You can find the website at
- There you first enter the formation of your choice along with player roles.
- Also important are the settings on the left, especially the mentality.
- It gets exciting further down: There you will see namely an evaluation of your tactics. The specified values show whether your tactics have fundamental structural weaknesses in attack, stability and support.
- Right are named points of criticism. For example, the tool shows you if one side is significantly weaker than the other.
- In addition, there is an overview of partnerships. In this area, you can see with what level of risk the players act with each other.
- Practical in the explanations are the links to matching guide articles on This way you can read directly into the details.