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Windows 10: Force upgrade - here's how to do it

When Windows 10 was released, users of Windows 7 and 8 could switch to the new version of the operating system without much effort using the upgrade function. That no longer works in this form today. Learn how you can still upgrade to the latest version of Microsoft's operating system.

How to force Windows 10 upgrade

If you want to upgrade from Windows 7 or 8 to Windows 10, it is not necessary to force the upgrade. You can use Microsoft Media Creation Tools to switch to the new operating system at any time.
  1. Download the Media Creation Tool from the Microsoft website and run it as an administrator after downloading.
  2. Agree to the license agreements and select "Run the upgrade for this PC now". Click "Next" to continue.
  3. Now follow the installation wizard instructions and enter your license key. You can either use your old Windows 7 or 8 key or if you don't have a license, buy a new Windows 10 license. After that, the Media Creation Tool will prepare the installation.
  4. Once the preparations are complete, you will get an overview of the items and personal data that will be taken with you during the upgrade. Klicken Sie auf „Ändern der zu behaltenden Elemente“, um die Auswahl anzupassen.
  5. Klicken Sie abschließend auf „Installieren“, um die Installation zu starten.
Der Rechner wird während der Installation mehrmals neu gestartet. Achten Sie außerdem darauf, den Rechner nicht auszuschalten, solange die Installation läuft.

By Bilow

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