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Delete Web.de account - how it works online

Web.de is an email provider where you can create an account for free. If you no longer need it, you can delete it directly online in most cases. Here you can find out how to proceed correctly and how the cancellation of a premium account works.

Deleting an account: this is how it works if you use Free Mail at web.de

If you have an e-mail account at web.de and would like to delete it, it is easy to do so online. To do this, log in to the web.de website with your username and the corresponding password and click on "Password/Account" in the left sidebar.
  1. Web.de will then redirect you to its customer center, where you will need to log in again with your username and password.
  2. In the customer center, please go to the "Delete user account" section and click on the "Delete now" option.
  3. Confirm your cancellation by entering your password and check "Yes, I really want to delete my account" before clicking "Delete".

How to cancel your web.de Club membership

If you do not use the free version of the email provider at web.de, but are a member of the web.de Club, the deletion of the account is not possible in the manner described above. Instead, it is necessary for you to cancel your membership in writing. This is possible with a notice period of six weeks by letter or fax. Be sure to include your name, address, and contract number in the cancellation letter and send it to the following address: WEB.DE Customer Service, Brauerstraße 48, 76135 Karlsruhe. If you prefer to submit the cancellation by fax, this can be done by calling 01805 05 25 41.

By Bonnell Gondek

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