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Excel: Calculate minus - it's that easy

Simple calculations are a real breeze in Excel and, accordingly, are easy to perform. To subtract certain numbers from each other in Excel, you can even use the calculation symbols and calculation rules you are familiar with.

Calculate minus: this is how it works the direct way

  1. Click in an empty cell and start with the equal sign [=]. This will start a new formula.
  2. Then you now enter a summand and a minuend and separate the two by a minus sign [-].
  3. If you now press [Enter], the specified calculation is performed within this cell.
  4. If an error now appears within the cell or the number is not displayed correctly, there is either an error in the formula or the cell is not formatted for numbers.

Excel: Minus calculate with cell reference

Excel offers you, of course, not only within a cell to perform a simple calculation, but also to make calculations with cell references.
  1. Within Excel, you can also calculate directly with cell references.
  2. To do this, click in any cell and enter a number.
  3. Wiederholen Sie das mit einer anderen Zelle.
  4. Abschließend wechseln Sie in eine weitere leere Zelle und geben ein: =Zelle1-Zelle2
  5. Nun wird der Inhalt der zweiten Zelle von der ersten abgezogen.
  6. Das funktioniert selbstverständlich auch mit mehreren Zellen und anderen Berechnungsmethoden, die Sie alle aneinander ketten können.

By Foskett Robillard

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