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Excel: Calculate with date - these options are available

In Microsoft's Excel spreadsheet program, there are several functions available to format and analyze content. If you want to calculate the age of a person, then it can be helpful to calculate with data that is in date format.

How to calculate with a date in Excel

If you want to add a certain number of weeks, months or years to a certain date, Excel provides you with the appropriate functions for this.
  1. To change the number of days, enter "=DATE+15" in the command line. For DATE, specify the cell that contains the date. Then select + or -, depending on whether the days are to be added or subtracted. The 15 stands for the number of days.
  2. On the other hand, if you want to add or subtract a certain number of months, then you need the "EDATUM" function. To do this, enter the command "=EDATE(A1, A2)". A1 stands for the cell containing the date and A2 for the cell containing the number of months you want to subtract.
  3. To add years, months or days in one, it is necessary to use the date function. This can look like this:"=DATE(YEAR(A2)+3;MONTH(A2)-2;DAY(A2)-1".
  4. Where cell A2 contains the date you want to change. Then, in each section, add how much you want to subtract from that date. In this case, it is plus three years, two months and one day less.

By Germin

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