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Excel: Calculate years - with this formula it is possible

If you want to calculate the age of a person in Excel, it is usually enough to specify the year or the birthday of this person. The application then already provides you with suitable functions to have the age calculated automatically. So it will be updated in the future.

How to calculate years in Excel

Whether you want to calculate the age of a person or just the distance between two dates: The spreadsheet program Excel offers you the appropriate function for this purpose. With the DATEDIF function, you can thus automatically calculate the difference between dates in just a few steps. As soon as you update the worksheet, the result is also automatically recalculated.
  1. First select an empty cell in which the result of the function should be output.
  2. Then enter the function at the top of the formula line. Generally, the function is structured as follows "=DATEDIF(cell1, cell2, "d")".
  3. In place of "cell1", select the cell in which the start date is located. "Cell2" replace with the cell of the end date. Make sure that the end date is later than the start date. Otherwise, you get as output "#ZAHL!".
  4. Finally, you can specify as a third argument, in which form your result should be output. If you want the difference in days, then enter a "d" here. If this should be specified in months or years, then choose accordingly a "m" or "y".

By Haman

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