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iWatch not charging - what's the problem?

It's very annoying when you want to charge the Apple Watch overnight and notice the next morning that the battery level has dropped even further. But why did the watch not charge properly? Most of the time, the problem is quite trivial and can be fixed quickly.

Apple iWatch is not charging - you should check

If your Apple Watch is not charging properly, this can have various causes. Mostly, however, the error is quite simple to fix.
  1. First, check whether your Apple Watch has a contact when it is connected to the mains through the magnetic charging cable.
  2. You can easily tell by the green flash on the display.
  3. If this flash is colored red, the watch is not charging properly.
  4. Make sure you are using both the included magnetic cable and the appropriate power adapter.
  5. Third-party hardware can easily cause problems.

Apple iWatch does not charge - is the watch broken?

  1. Try a different cable and power adapter if possible.
  2. Sollte sich das Problem durch den Wechsel nicht gelöst haben, kontaktieren Sie im Zweifel den Support.
  3. Es ist durchaus möglich, dass der Akku beschädigt ist oder sich ein wenig aufgebläht hat.
  4. In diesem Fall können Sie meist einen Garantie-Anspruch geltend machen.

By Loree

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