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Steam Summer Sale: tips to save money

We would like to introduce you to the best Steam Summer Sale tips to save money, so that you not only get the latest Steam deals, but also save your wallet in the process. The most important thing is that you keep track of everything and don't just go wild shopping.

Steam Summer Sale: our tips to save money

Since the Steam Summer Sale is a large-scale promotion every time, you should heed the following tips to save money in the process:
  1. Use the wishlist and also stick to it as much as possible.
  2. Create the wish list before the sale - Steam will send you an email when one of your desired games is available in the store at a discount.
  3. First look at how the Summer Sale works: If the games are discounted throughout the entire promotion period, you do not have to strike on the first day or on special promotion days, but simply use the search function and find the desired game. Do not be distracted by the home page.
  4. Use the Steam Calculator to keep an eye on your finances.

More tips for the Steam Summer Sale

Don't buy all your games in the Steam Summer Sale. Experience shows that the next promotional period is not far away! Especially if you do not absolutely need the game and do not even know if you will play it, you may refrain from a hasty purchase.By the way: With the addon Enhanced Steam you can quickly check in advance whether a game in the Summer Sale is really a bargain.

By Aggappe Letson

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