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Where to put your smartphone in summer?

Smartphones can be very expensive when new. That is precisely why careful handling of the device is important. This will prevent an annoying new purchase or an expensive repair. To avoid damage, you need to protect your smartphone from the sun, especially in the summer.

This is what you need to keep in mind when it comes to your smartphone in the summer

In the summer, some places experience high temperatures. In addition, cars or other shelves can heat up a lot, which can damage the smartphone. If you want to avoid an expensive repair or even a new purchase, it is urgent to pay attention to the storage areas in the summer.
  1. If you are on the road, it is best not to put the device in the host pocket. Especially here, high temperatures can develop. It therefore offers a pocket.
  2. Often, the smartphone is left in the car when you briefly do errands. If your device lies in the summer on the dashboard or on another shelf directly in the sun, the probability of damage is high. To avoid this, choose the glove compartment as a storage location. Here it is usually cooler, and the smartphone is protected from direct radiation.
  3. Also in the swimming pool or at the beach, your phone can easily be damaged. Sand and water should therefore be avoided urgently. Möchten Sie Ihr Smartphone dennoch nicht zu Hause lassen oder in einem Spind einschließen, können Sie es in einer Plastiktüte transportieren und immer in die Tasche stecken, um es vor der Sonne zu schützen.

By Missie

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