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PS4: Show hidden trophies - how to do it

For every game you play on the PlayStation 4, you receive trophies for certain activities. What you need to do for a trophy depends on the game in question. If you want to know what you need to do for a hidden trophy, you can view a description.

How to display hidden trophies on PS4

When you play on PlayStation 4, you will receive a trophy as a reward for certain achievements. This can be bronze, silver, gold, or platinum depending on the difficulty of the activity. In addition, they are rated by rarity, depending on how many players have already achieved the achievement. Apart from the visible trophies, there are also hidden trophies. If you want to know what you need to do for the trophy, you can view it.
  1. Hidden trophies are usually not displayed in the list of trophies. This is mainly because they may give away part of the plot.
  2. First, select a game from which you want to display the hidden trophies. Open the area where a list of possible achievements is displayed.
  3. Now press the Options button on your controller if you want to have the list sorted by certain criteria.
  4. Now click on a hidden trophy and then press the "square" button. Nun wird eine Beschreibung des Erfolgs angezeigt. So können Sie darauf schließen, was Sie tun müssen, um die Trophäe freizuschalten.

By Petronia Olah

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